Role of the Merchandiser

As we know that merchandiser plays very important role in the garment industry. whether it is export house(factory) or any buying house. we can not imagine garment industry can run without the merchandiser. He is just like a pillar of the company/factory. He knows his product better then any other person in the company.

so we are going to discuss the the role of merchandiser in the garment factory.

Mail correspondence- All the merchandisers communicate with his buyer through mail and buyer sends the information to the factory through mail. Because of written correspondence, there is very less possibility of any communication gap, all the information goes through email.

Costing– Merchandiser has to do the costing of all the new samples, which goes to the buyer for selection. He has to finalize the price of the product with the help of his seniors to book the order.

Time & Action- After order confirmation, he/she has to make the time & action calendar and send to the buyer/buying house, which is to followed in production process. T&A is just calendar, where we plan for samples submission & approval date, production planning & shipment movement date and that are followed in the future.

Sampling– Merchandiser has to make the samples in the correct fabric, trims and submit all types of samples to the buyer for approval.

Approval follow-up-– He/she has to follow-up all the sample/trims/fabric submission and chase buyer/buyer house team to give the approval on time. He has to follow-up fabric and trims departments to submit the bitloom/labdips/strike-off/trims on time.

Production File- He/she has to make the production file and handover the production file with approved PP sample to the factory manager to start the production.

Material order--Merchandiser has to make the fabric and trims order sheet and give to concerned department to order the material.

Lab testing–Merchandiser has to submit fabric, trims and samples to the lab for testing. Test result goes directly to the buyer.

Production status– Merchandiser has to discuss production status of every style, which is running into the production and submit the production status to the buyer.

These are the basic job profile, which are done by the merchandiser in the factory. There are much more works done by the merchandiser based on shipment urgency.

Different fabric collections